The United States Government has asserted that there are real physical objects moving about our earth observed on multiple simultaneous sensors that defy military explanation (Cooper et al., 2017; House Intelligence, 2022; Office of The Director of National Intelligence, 2021). The name for these objects has historically been Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), but they are now being referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) or Unidentified Aerospace and Undersea Phenomenon (UAUP). The mainstream inclination to these topics has been to relegate them to the purview of the eccentric, but the volume of current and historical accounts coming from reputable sources is becoming too numerous to ignore (Elizondo, 2021; Good, 1996; Hastings, 2017; Rendall, 2021, Rendall 2022a, 2022b). Human error, misunderstanding, misperception, sensor malfunction, disinformation, and misinformation may account for some of the alleged incidents, but prosaic terrestrial explanations will not suffice in all cases.
“The Phenomenon” is a broad phrase that encompasses UFOs, UAPs, UAUP, and any observable experience and/or event that is not caused by a terrestrial or celestial agent. In 2017, The New York Times released an article (Cooper et al., 2017) in which the former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) Luis Elizondo went public about the nature of his work from 2008-2017 (Elizondo, 2021). He revealed that there has been a classified program within the Pentagon that was investigating UAPs, the military’s preferred term for UFOs. The article also included three videos (Guardian News, 2020) that showed vehicles moving in ways that appear to defy explanation. Alternative explanations for the three videos (West, n.d.) do not include the confidential radar data or the extended footage reportedly in military possession (Mick West, 2021; Project Unity, 2022), which confirms that these objects are not caused by birds, balloons, other planes, camera illusions or atmospheric anomalies.
Since the New York Times article (Cooper et al., 2017) Luis Elizondo has been interviewed in numerous YouTube videos and podcasts (8 News NOW Las Vegas, 2018; Cable News Network, 2017; Fade to Black Radio, 2021, 2022; Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal, 2021) revealing more about his role and understanding of UAPs. In May 2021, Luis Elizondo explained in a 60 Minutes documentary (2021) that there were five observable features of UAPs; 1) anti-gravity lift, 2) sudden instantaneous acceleration, 3) movement at hypersonic velocities without signatures such as vapor or a sonic boom, 4) low observability/cloaking and 5) trans-medium travel (from air to water, or space into air). Elizondo has since gone on to state that there is a sixth observable pertaining to biological effects (Fox Business, 2022). In April 2022, some of the documents associated with the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application Program (the precursor to the AATIP program) were released, and one of these refers to three cases that show anomalous acute and subacute field effects on human biological tissues of people who have been exposed to a UAP (Defence Intelligence Agency, 2010). The subjects in this study were credible people whose accounts came with a verifiable chain of custody. The conclusion was that the subjects had been exposed to non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation and microwave energies that led to the following symptoms:
“Erythema (heat and redness) overexposed… skin, and varying degrees of the following as a function of their body-surface exposure times: fever, pain, headaches, numbness, and parasthesia[sic], malaise, diarrhea, hair loss and alopecia, skin eruptions/boils, cardiac palpitations…. chronic headaches…. insomnia and dream disturbances… anxiety…. extreme sensitivity to light, dry and scratchy-stinging eyes, and extreme inflamed blood-shot [whites of the eyes] with soft tissue swelling of the eyelids. One of the three experienced moderate blood dyscrasia and signs of radiation illness, and over several years developed signs of malignant transformations” (Defence Intelligence Agency, 2010, p.v).
In March 2020 the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (2020) was released, which included a request by the United States Congress to establish a UAP task force that was to produce a classified and unclassified report revealing what the military knew. The unclassified preliminary assessment report was released on the 25th of June 2021 (Office of The Director of National Intelligence, 2021), and the chief scientific officer was Dr. Travis Taylor (8 News NOW Las Vegas, 2022a, 2022b, 2022c, 2022d). Although it was a brief report, it referred to 143 incidents that they could not explain and were not a result of secret US technology. This figure is particularly surprising when considering; 1) most of the incidents were within the 18 months prior to the report, 2) most of the data was from the Navy, which is only one of many American government organizations, 3) it is estimated that only 10% of sightings get reported (Richard Dolan Intelligent Disclosure, 2022). The report also referred to 18 incidents in which the UAPs show unusual movements/flight characteristics, such as moving without a discernible means of propulsion. Kevin Day was a radar operator on the Nimitz carrier battle group in 2004 (one of the incidents included in the classified report) and stated that he observed objects moving from 28,000ft above sea level down to sea level in 0.87 seconds, stopping abruptly (Discover, 2019). If such maneuvers were done in a conventional craft, it would kill the humans inside and destroy the aircraft.
…in January 2022 the National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA, 2021) section 1652 was signed into law by Present Joe Biden. This was the first public announcement of a permanent office to address UAPs…
Then in January 2022, the National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA, 2021) section 1652 was signed into law by Present Joe Biden. This was the first public announcement of a permanent office to address UAPs and included aims to create a standardized procedure for documenting UAPs across agencies, using multiple types of sensors such as geospatial intelligence to coordinate data, releasing regular reports, and working with international governments. Two further goals were to provide “an update on any efforts underway on the ability to capture or exploit discovered unidentified aerial phenomena” and 2) “an assessment of any health-related effects for individuals that have encountered unidentified aerial phenomena”. Then the first congressional hearing on UAPs in 54 years took place on the 17th of May 2022 with Ronald Moultrie the Under Secretary of Defence for Intelligence and Security, and Scott Bray the Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence called for questioning by the Congress (House Intelligence, 2022). In this hearing, the witnesses explained how the Navy revised the reporting procedures for military personnel who see UAPs and that they now have 400 unexplainable incidents. They reiterated the conclusions of the 2021 Pentagon report that; 1) these objects are real, 2) they have been a threat to flight safety, 3) they don’t know what they are, 4) they are not secret government technology, 5) they are observable on multiple simultaneous sensor systems, and 6) a subset of these objects show ‘breakthrough technologies’ (capabilities that defy our current understanding of what is physically possible with current and experimental technology). At the hearing, Congress member Mike Gallagher asked the witnesses what they know about the 1967 Malmstrom incident where it is alleged that military guards observed a UAP hover over ten intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles, while captain Robert Salas was at the controls and witnessed all ten nuclear missiles be turned off and then on again while the UAP was present. The witnesses reported having no knowledge of such an event and were asked by Congress to look into the matter further.

At the Congressional hearings on UAPs (House Intelligence, 2022) three videos were shown and the witnesses explained that the triangle shapes hovering in two of the videos could be explained by the way in which light enters the lens (a Bokeh effect). However, they did not explain why or how nuclear military ships in the middle of the ocean on a secret training mission could be swarmed by drones for hours and have no idea where they came from (Corbell, 2021a). The third video of a UAP was taken on a pilot’s personal phone and no other information was shared at the hearing. The author of the 2021 Pentagon report went public with his identity a year after the report was released and stated the following in relation to the triangle UAPs; “it is not a Bokeh effect (objects looking like triangles due to the shape of the camera lens), there is some autofocus error, but there is no aperture inside this night vision goggle… that causes that…. Then the blinking part….it is blinking 400 times a minute, but the FAA law is 100 times a minute for any aviation light” (Travis Taylor, interviewed by Rick and Bubba, 2022).
David Fravor was a pilot in 2004 as part of the Nimitz Carrier battle group who intercepted a UAP that he described as looking like a giant tic-tac (a commonly available mint sweet) (60 Minutes, 2021; PBS News Hour, 2021; Vice News, 2019). As he approached it in his plane, it spiraled up to meet his plane and then moved off at incredible speeds to a secret location called the CAP-point that only a few people knew. Some of the footage captured on film has become public, but the radar data remains classified (Corbell, 2021b). Knuth and colleagues (2019) have estimated the acceleration of the Nimitz UAP to be between 75g to 5000g, which is important given that humans can only stand 9g for a brief period. The radar operator during the Nimitz event, Kevin Day, has corroborated the pilot’s accounts (Discovery, 2019) and added that there were multiple trans medium objects. Pilot Ryan Graves was part of the USS Roosevelt group in 2015 and he has gone public stating that he was seeing UAPs almost every day (60 Minutes, 2021), the objects flew in formation, showed no propulsion signatures and one was the shape of a cube surrounded by a translucent sphere. It is also interesting to note that an identical description was given by credible pilots as far back as 1960 (Rogen, 2022), at a time when such technology would not have been possible by humans.
Much of this prior data in the public realm; 1) lacks a repeatable and accessible chain of custody, and 2) was not collected in the context of a peer-reviewed systematic process or even an evidence-based assessment protocol. Yet despite these limitations, there has been enough revealed to inspire others to investigate this issue in a serious way. The astronomer Professor Avi Loeb has begun the Galileo Project (Harvard University, n.d.) in which he has turned his research attention to exploring the skies of the Earth rather than space. He aims to search for evidence of the phenomenon that is not restricted to classified sources and can be released to the public. The first journal dedicated solely to the study of UAPs has been created (Limina, n.d.). Other scientific research groups have been set up, such as the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER, n.d.), the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, n.d.), and the Orb Research Bureau (Orb Research Bureau, n.d.). One of the first funding sources for UAP research has been proposed in the State of New Jersey (A.B. 4060, 2022) and Luis Elizondo has stated that he is writing a book that aims to reveal more of what he did in AATIP (That UFO Podcast, 2022). NASA has also revealed that it will be establishing its own UAP research program to review its data (NASA, 2022). By the time this is published, it is likely that even more organizations and information will have become available to the general public that the reader is encouraged to seek out.
It has been suggested that breakthrough technologies could have been invented by another nation on Earth that has not gone public with their technology (Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 2021). But this is an unlikely explanation given that similar shapes have been sighted for at least 75 years. In 2004, one of the objects was observed by the pilot to resemble the shape of a tic-tac (60 Minutes, 2021). In Russia in 1948, it was described by a pilot as a “cucumber-shaped” UAP (Good, 1996, p. 224) and in 1991 another unrelated Russian pilot described it as a “yellow-white cigar-shaped object” (p.253). A ground observer in the military in 1953 described “fourteen cigar-shaped objects… in a loose V-formation…no sound or means of propulsion” (Good, 1996, p.341). Unidentified objects have been described for hundreds of years (Vallee, 2014). These objects are very similar in appearance and/or abilities but are described using the parlance of the time. There are also numerous compelling accounts that the phenomenon has been witnessed during World War II (Rendall, 2021) and in the following years (Rendall, 2022a; 2022b). It is possible that any of the technologically advanced nations, such as Russia and China, could have developed breakthrough technology unbeknownst to the nations of the Five Eyes Alliance (Tossini, 2020), but it is implausible that they had this technology 75 years ago and have not used it to gain a military advantage. Flying in formation, responding to the actions of pilots, and the ability to jam sensors (60 Minutes, 2021), if true, would be signs of intelligent control. There also appears to be growing public evidence (Coulthart, 2021; Good, 1996; Hastings, 2017; Rendall 2021; 2022a; 2022b) that governments around the world have tried to cover up and downplay whatever the phenomenon is. However, the policy of denial appears to be shifting. Avril Hanes, the Director of National Intelligence (Rennenkampff, 2021), and Bill Nelson, the lead administrator for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, have both publicly (Twist UAP, 2022) stated that the extra-terrestrial hypothesis needs to be considered.
…the phenomenon is now being referred to as UAUP instead of UAP and that these objects are transmedium, meaning that they are capable of moving from space to air, and air to water with ease.
It is likely that more information will emerge pertaining to this topic based on two pieces of legislation. The Intelligence Authorization Act 2023 section 703-705 (Senate Intelligence Select Committee, 2022) calls for a renaming of the UAP Office, improved reporting procedures, and reviewing all historical information. The Authorization Act for 2023 (Authorisation Appropriates Act for Fiscal Year 2023, 2022) section 703-705 is yet to be approved but is expected to pass in December 2022 and proposes additional legally enforceable directives that are aimed at better understanding the phenomenon. It is important to note that these changes have been specifically made in response to the information provided in recent classified briefings. Something/s has been shown to Congress that is of such convincing significance that increased money, military resources and government investment have been put forth despite the pressing context of other international crises. This bill includes several important changes. The first is that the phenomenon is now being referred to as UAUP instead of UAP and that these objects are transmedium, meaning that they are capable of moving from space to air, and air to water with ease. It also calls for greater expansion of a centralized repository, increasing international cooperation, improving reporting, compiling annual reports including unclassified versions, improved information sharing, and department cooperation, developing a ‘science plan’ to better understand and replicate the phenomenon, to provide an update on their ability to capture and/or exploit UAUP, and to provide an update on the biological effects. Of particular note, is that for the first time, Congress has asked for information on the number of incidents in which UAUPs are observed close to military nuclear assets, which has been well documented (Hastings, 2017). One of the most significant changes is that it has been proposed that both written and oral non-disclosure agreements can be waivered with protection from liability and reprisals so that informants from within government and private contractors can come forward with information. Section 705 puts forth a request to review all information from January the first 1947, onwards across different agencies and to include the oral histories of credible witnesses. The request of Congress to review the information pertaining to UAUPs and give those who are mandated to deny their knowledge the freedom to come forward without reprisal is historic, as it has never been done before at that level of public governance.
If there is another intelligence controlling physical objects in our reality, then it is not a great leap to consider that there may be some truth to other previously overlooked topics. Potentially related topics include but are not limited to; the abduction phenomenon (Mack, 1994; 1999), animal mutilations (Howe, 1989; Hall, 2009), crop circles (Howe, 2002), and UAP crash retrievals (Davis, 2002). Lacatski and colleagues in their book Skinwalkers at the Pentagon (2021) describe several incidents in which people at Skinwalker Ranch who were employees in a government-funded project to investigate the area experienced severe and overt paranormal activity but were under non-disclosure agreements not to reveal that information. The authors report that the extended family members and people of the community known to the employees experienced similar things as the employees even though the members of the community had no knowledge of what the employees at Skinwalker Ranch had experienced or where they had been. The authors hypothesized that there might be a “hitch-hiker effect” whereby experiences of the paranormal may spread like a contagion. The point here is not to prove or refute the veracity of these claims, because that cannot be done without more public data. But it is important to acknowledge that if the UAUP issue is going to be addressed seriously, then the scientific community needs to combat the stigma of the subject and tackle all alleged potential aspects of the phenomenon with scientific rigor, transparency, critical thinking, and an extremely open but rational mind.
…if the UAUP issue is going to be addressed seriously then the scientific community needs to combat the stigma of the subject and tackle all alleged potential aspects of the phenomenon with scientific rigor, transparency, critical thinking and an extremely open but rational mind.
The summary of what appears to be emerging from the above public information is that there could be objects in Earth’s purview that demonstrate an ability to move in ways that defy gravity and that these objects are being taken seriously by Congress. The US government has stated that UAUP objects are real, they don’t understand their propulsion system, they are observed on multiple simultaneous systems alongside the best military-trained eyewitnesses, and they are a potential threat to flight safety. Although not impossible, it is implausible that one of the most sophisticated military organizations repeatedly cannot distinguish across multiple sensory platforms and agencies the difference between breakthrough technology not made by human hands and birds, planets, camera effects, sensor malfunction, and any other terrestrial and/or psychological explanations. It is possible that some, or even the majority, of UAUPs could eventually be explained. But it will only take one incident of irrefutable clear public evidence to permanently open this topic to humanity. Either way, whatever is going on, it is unlikely to be solved behind closed doors and humanity needs to shine an unbiased scientific critical light on what the data reveals and follow the conclusions where they lead, whether they be mundane or exotic.
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